The Top 10 Ways to Keep Rabbits Out of Your Garden

Garden vandalized by rabbits

Your beautiful vegetable garden has been ravaged overnight by rabbits, and you’re at your wit’s end wondering how to keep rabbits out of your garden in the future. Luckily, there are several different methods to get the job done effectively and humanely. From fences to rabbit repellents, here are 10 ways to stop those bunnies from feasting on your hard work in no time.

1) Electric Fence

An electric fence is one effective way to prevent rabbits from entering your garden. Once set up, the wires need to have a small current running through them which keeps the animals at bay. The current stops once the wires are cut, so keep this in mind when thinking about installing an electric fence. Furthermore, while they do a good job of keeping rabbits out, they don't always work well with other small mammals. It's best if you plant a tall fence around your garden and use mesh netting on top as well as place an electric wire on top of that since it will make it difficult for larger animals like foxes or coyotes to come in either. Still, feel worried about those pesky critters? Spread fox-fennel seeds around your property!

2) Aluminium Foil

Cover the entire garden with aluminum foil. As long as you have enough foil and keep it taut, rabbits will be unable to hop over and eat your plants. If a rabbit manages to chew through the aluminum, replace it as soon as possible. Note that foil is only effective against rabbits if it has been applied in this manner; not simply tossed out on top of the garden. Also, avoid placing any stakes or logs on top of the foil if you intend for those objects to remain there for a long period of time. After using this method for about four months, I discovered that my first thought when I heard an animal rustling in my garden was Ah ha! It's only a rabbit!

3) String, Twine, or Ribbon

If you are trying to keep rabbits out of your garden there are a number of ways you can do so. Try putting wire fencing around the perimeter. It can be high enough for the rabbits not to be able to hop over it and if they try, the sharp wires will scratch them. There are also electric fences that may work for you. They don't take up much space but will provide a protective barrier against intruders. The fence simply sends a small charge through anybody that comes in contact with it that is strong enough but not harmful enough to humans. If you have had success with something like this in the past, share it with your fellow readers! It could save their crops or flowers from being eaten away by hungry critters!

4) Netting and Weaving

If you have been planting vegetables and flowers in your backyard for a few years, chances are you have run into the problem of having rabbits munching on your carrots and stealing your flowers. Keeping rabbits out is a tough task but there are plenty of ways that have been proven effective over time. A garden fence can be an expensive investment so before making this purchase it's important to try other ways first. If netting isn't enough then perhaps weaving will work better - take some baling wire and weave the sections together with gaps big enough for the rabbit to get their head through but not their body.

5) Water Spray Bottle

A water spray bottle is a cheap and simple way to discourage rabbits from destroying your garden. All you need is empty plastic water or soda bottle, preferably one with a wide opening at the top and plenty of soap inside it. Be sure that the bottle is clean and free from any type of fragrance or coloring before filling it with water. Hang the plant stake in a tree as high as possible, making sure that the end can freely rotate on its own. Now securely attach the nozzle extension tube, then fill it up with soap solution until it reaches just below the rim. As they run along an outdoor wire fence, wet them down with a quick burst to drive them away.

6) Dog Deterrent Spray

Keep your dog on a leash. It is surprisingly easy for rabbits to outsmart dogs and it could be disastrous if you were relying on them solely to chase the rabbits away. Have a couple of male dogs together, they can scent their territory marking which will make female rabbits keep their distance, as well as the smell putting off males in the area who might otherwise venture over.

7) Scare Crows

Animals such as cats, crows, and owls may be helpful in discouraging pesky rabbits from eating your plants. However, if you don't want to deal with the hassle of trying to set up and maintain these animals near your garden, then here are some other options that can work just as well: 

* Hire a cat or hawk service. 

* Plant chemicals-producing plants that will irritate the animals' skin. (This might sound weird but the rabbits should take note!) 

* Choose small vegetables that won't make much of a meal for them-think lettuce, carrots, radishes, and peppers rather than huge pumpkins or tomatoes!

8) Pine Cones & Bird Seed

Clean up all the overgrown areas of your garden by cutting the tall weeds and grasses, pulling them back from fences, making openings in hedges or walls where rabbits can pass through easily, etc. If you don't have a lawn but only clover and other soft plants, clean out their hiding places in ground cover plants and mow clover two inches high. You can also discourage rabbits by sprinkling soil with coffee grounds, bird seed, or oats.

9) Hot Pepper Spray

One simple way to repel rabbits is by installing a hot pepper spray, which can be purchased at garden stores. As rabbits have thin skin and don't like the taste or sensation of the spray, they will find a way around it. This can be an effective way to keep them out if you've only seen one or two on your property. If they do come in contact with it, they may also leave their scent trail and scare away other ones in the process.

Of course, any type of repellent is going to stop working eventually - so remember that too.

10) Netting Trap

A net can be a safe way to deter rabbits. First, pick up a mesh net and stretch it out over the garden. Then, find sticks or branches that are approximately 6 inches wide and tie them together into a crisscross pattern on the underside of the net. If rabbits cannot climb across this frame, they will be unable to reach the plants in your garden below. Place stakes or poles around the perimeter at intervals of about 2 feet. This will help you gather up any slack in the netting as well as ensure that no people or animals slip underneath it when harvesting produce from below.

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